
Detroit’s more glorious past is quickly forgotten in common conversation today. It is more frequently referred to as the rust belt or of a society that allowed for urban decay. This blog is not to examine the structural societal issues that create the image of modern Metropolitan-Detroit, but to examine the grand legacy of its past which continues to produce grandeur to this day.
I am a Metropolitan-Detroit native, born in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, during the late 1980s. Prep school raised, Ivy League educated, I like many of my chums embraced a world of prepdom. My parents’ generation may have been inspired by Birnbach’s, The Official Preppy Handbook, although as we witness with Baltzell’s, The Protestant Establishment: Aristocracy & Caste in America, the preppy tradition goes far back to the European colonization of the Americas.
I speak to you now to dream with me of the old preppy American Dream that Michigan continues to embrace. While the buildings are more weathered than during their glorious past, Michigan is going through a renaissance and re-embracing its old motto of Industry, Intelligence, and Integrity. In this region we believe that education and hard work will give us strength to build legacy. Even though our foundations run French blue, we blend the Anglo-Saxon traditions of the past, in an attempt to build a more glorious and prosperous future. Enjoy with me a quick modern preppy education of Metropolitan-Detroit.


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